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Instance API ​

getDom(paneId, position) ​

(paneId?: string, position?: 'root' | 'main' | 'yAxis') => HTMLElement

Get the dom container.

  • paneId window id, the default is the entire chart container
  • position supports root, main, yAxis, the default is root

getSize(paneId, position) ​

(paneId?: string, position?: 'root' | 'main' | 'yAxis') => {
   width: number
   height: number
   left: number
   top: number
   right: number
   bottom: number

Get the dimensions.

  • paneId window id, the default is the entire chart container
  • position position, supports root, main, yAxis, the default is root

setStyles(styles) ​

(styles: string | object) => HTMLElement

Set style configuration.

  • styles style configuration, which can be the style name registered through registerStyles. When it is an object, please refer to styles for details, and it supports merging.

getStyles() ​

() => object

Get the style configuration, return the complete type refer to styles.

setPriceVolumePrecision(pricePrecision, volumePrecision) ​

(pricePrecision: number, volumePrecision: number) => void

Setting the price and volume precision, while the technical indicator series is 'price' or 'volume' will also be affected.

  • pricePrecision price precision
  • volumePrecision volume precision

setTimezone(timezone) ​

(timezone: string) => void

Set the time zone.

  • timezone time zone name, such as 'Asia/Shanghai', if not set, it will automatically get the local time zone, please refer to Time Zone List.

getTimezone() ​

() => string

Get the chart time zone name.

setZoomEnabled(enabled) ​

(enabled: boolean) => void

Set whether to scale.

isZoomEnabled() ​

() => boolean

Whether it can be scaled.

setScrollEnabled(enabled) ​

(enabled: boolean) => void

Set whether dragging and scrolling is possible.

isScrollEnabled() ​

() => boolean

Whether dragging and scrolling is possible.

setOffsetRightDistance(distance) ​

(distance: number) => void

Set the gap that can be left to the right of the chart.

getOffsetRightDistance() ^9.2.0 ​

() => number

Get the gap that can be left to the right of the chart.

setMaxOffsetLeftDistance() ^9.7.0 ​

(distance: number) => void

Set the maximum available gap on the left side of the chart.

setMaxOffsetRightDistance() ^9.7.0 ​

(distance: number) => void

Set the maximum available gap on the right side of the chart.

setLeftMinVisibleBarCount(barCount) ​

(barCount: number) => void

Set the minimum number of visible candles to the left.

setRightMinVisibleBarCount(barCount) ​

(barCount: number) => void

Set the minimum number of visible candles to the right.

setBarSpace(space) ​

(space: number) => void

Set the width of a single candlestick of the chart.

getBarSpace() ​

() => number

Gets the width of a single candlestick on the chart.

getVisibleRange() ​

() => {
  from: number
  to: number
  realFrom: number
  realTo: number

Get visible range.

applyNewData(dataList, more, callback) ​

  dataList: Array<{
    timestamp: number
    open: number
    close: number
    high: number
    low: number
    volume?: number
    turnover?: number
  more?: boolean,
  callback?: () => void
) => void

Add new data, this method will clear the chart data, no need to call the clearData method additionally.

  • dataList is an array of K-line data. For details of the data type, please refer to data
  • more tells the chart whether there is more historical data, can be defaulted, the default is true
  • callback success callback ^9.2.0


callback has been deprecated since version 9.8.0, use subscribeAction('onDataReady', () => {}) instead.

applyMoreData(dataList, more, callback) ​

  dataList: Array<{
    timestamp: number
    open: number
    close: number
    high: number
    low: number
    volume?: number
    turnover?: number
  more?: boolean,
  callback?: () => void
) => void

Add more historical data.

  • dataList is an array of K-line data. For details of the data type, please refer to data
  • more tells the chart whether there is more historical data, can be defaulted, the default is true
  • callback success callback ^9.2.0


This api has been deprecated since version 9.8.0.

updateData(data, callback) ​

  data: {
    timestamp: number
    open: number
    close: number
    high: number
    low: number
    volume?: number
    turnover?: number
  callback?: () => void
) => void

Update data. Currently, only the timestamp of the last piece of data will be matched. If it is the same, it will be overwritten, and if it is different, it will be appended.

  • data single k-line data, please refer to data for details of data type
  • callback success callback ^9.2.0


callback has been deprecated since version 9.8.0, use subscribeAction('onDataReady', () => {}) instead.

getDataList() ​

() => Array<{
  timestamp: number
  open: number
  close: number
  high: number
  low: number
  volume?: number
  turnover?: number

Get the current data source of the chart. For the returned data type, please refer to data.

clearData() ​

() => void

Clear the data of the chart. Generally, it is not necessary to call it manually. In order to avoid repeated drawing, the data is only cleared here, and the chart will not be redrawn.

loadMore(cb) ​

(cb: (timestamp: number | null) => void) => void

Set load more callback function.

  • cb is a callback method, timestamp is the timestamp of the first piece of data


This api has been deprecated since version 9.8.0, use setLoadDataCallback instead.

setLoadDataCallback(cb) ^9.8.0 ​

  cb: (params: { 
    type: 'forward' | 'backward'
    data: Nullable<KLineData>
    callback: (dataList: KLineData[], more?: boolean) => void
  }) => void
) => void

Set auto load data callback

  • cb callback
    • params params
      • type forward or backward
      • data boundary data
      • callback used for returning data to chart

createIndicator(value, isStack, paneOptions, callback) ​

  value: string | {
    name: string
    shortName?: string
    precision?: number
    calcParams?: any[]
    shouldOhlc?: boolean
    shouldFormatBigNumber?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number
    extendData?: any
    series?: 'normal' | 'price' | 'volume'
    figures?: Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      attrs?: ({
        data: object
        coordinate: object
        bounding: object
        barSpace: object
        xAxis: object
        yAxis: object
      }) => object
      styles?: (
        data: object,
        indicator: object,
        defaultStyles: object
      ) => ({
        style?: 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
        color?: string
    minValue?: number
    maxValue?: number
    styles?: object
    calc?: (dataList: KLineData[], indicator: object) => Promise<object[]> | object[]
    regenerateFigures?: (calcParms: any[]) => Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      styles?: (
        data: object,
        indicator: object,
        defaultStyles: object
      ) => ({
        style?: 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
        color?: string
    createTooltipDataSource?: (params: object) => ({
      name?: string
      calcParamsText?: string
      values?: Array<{
        title: string | {
          text: string
          color: string
        value: string | {
          text: string
          color: string
    draw?: (params: object) => boolean
  isStack?: boolean,
  paneOptions?: {
    id?: string
    height?: number
    minHeight?: number
    dragEnabled?: boolean
    position?: 'top' | 'bottom'
    gap?: {
      top?: number
      bottom?: number
    axisOptions?: {
      name?: string
      scrollZoomEnabled?: boolean
  } | null,
  callback?: () => void
) => string | null

Create a technical indicator, the return value is a string that identifies the window, which is very important, and this identification is required for some subsequent operations on the window.

  • value technical indicator name or technical indicator object, when it is an object, the type is consistent with the input parameter of the chart method overrideIndicator
  • isStack is overrides
  • paneOptions window configuration information, can be default
    • id window id, can be default
    • height window height, can be default
    • minHeight minimum height of the window, can be defaulted
    • dragEnabled Whether the window can be dragged to adjust the height, it can be defaulted
    • position Only valid when creating a new pane ^9.6.0
    • gap margins
      • top top margin, value less than 1 is a percentage
      • bottom bottom margin, value less than 1 is a percentage
    • axisOptions
      • name is same in registerYAxis(axis) of chart api, default is 'default' ^9.8.0
      • scrollZoomEnabled Scroll zoom flag ^9.3.0
  • callback success callback

Special id

'candle_pane', the window id of the main picture.


chart.createIndicator('MA', false, {
  id: 'pane_1',
  height: 100,
  minHeight: 30,
  dragEnabled: true,
  gap: { top: 0.2, bottom: 0.1 },
  axisOptions: { scrollZoomEnabled: true }
}, () => {})

overrideIndicator(override, paneId, callback) ​

  override: {
    name: string
    shortName?: string
    precision?: number
    calcParams?: any[]
    shouldOhlc?: boolean
    shouldFormatBigNumber?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number 
    extendData?: any
    series?: 'normal' | 'price' | 'volume'
    figures?: Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      attrs?: ({
        data: object
        coordinate: object
        bounding: object
        barSpace: object
        xAxis: object
        yAxis: object
      }) => object
      styles?: (
        data: object,
        indicator: object,
        defaultStyles: object
      ) => ({
        style?: 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
        color?: string
    minValue?: number
    maxValue?: number
    styles?: object
    calc?: (dataList: KLineData[], indicator: object) => Promise<object[]> | object[]
    regenerateFigures?: (calcParms: any[]) => Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      styles?: (
        data: object,
        indicator: object,
        defaultStyles: object
      ) => ({
        style?: 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'stroke' | 'fill' | 'stroke_fill'
        color?: string
    createTooltipDataSource?: (params: object) => {
      name?: string
      calcParamsText?: string
      values?: Array<{
        title: string | { text: string, color: string }
        value: string | { text: string, color: string }
    draw?: (params: object) => boolean
  paneId?: string | null,
  callback?: () => void
) => void

Overlay technical indicator information.

  • override some parameters that need to be overridden
    • name metric name, unique identifier for creation and operation
    • shortName short name for display
    • precision precision
    • calcParams calculation parameters
    • shouldOhlc needs ohlc auxiliary graphics
    • shouldFormatBigNumber should format large numbers. For example, 1000 is converted to 1k, 1000000 is converted to 1M, etc.
    • visible visible or not
    • zLevel z level ^9.7.0
    • extendData extended data
    • series indicator series, optional options are 'normal', 'price' and 'volume'
    • figures graphics configuration
    • minValue specifies the minimum value
    • maxValue specifies the maximum value
    • styles styles
    • calc calculation method
    • regenerateFigures method to regenerate figure information
    • createTooltipDataSource method to create custom tip information
    • draw custom drawing method
  • paneId window id, default is set to all
  • callback success callback

Special id

'candle_pane', the window id of the main picture.


   name: 'BOLL',
   showName: 'BOLL'
   calcParams: [20, 5.5],
   precision: 4,
   shouldOhlc: true,
   shouldFormatBigNumber: false,
   visible: true,
   zLevel: 1,
   extendData: 2432435,
   series: 'price',
   figures: [],
   minValue: null,
   maxValue: null,
   calc: () => [],
   regenerateFigures: () => [],
   draw: () => {},
   styles: {
   bars: [{
       style: 'fill,
       borderStyle: 'solid,
       borderSize: 1,
       borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
       upColor: '#26A69A',
       downColor: '#EF5350',
       noChangeColor: '#888888'
     lines: [{
       size: 1,
       style: 'solid',
       dashedValue: [2, 2],
       color: '#FF9600'
     circles: [{
       style: 'fill,
       borderStyle: 'solid,
       borderSize: 1,
       borderDashedValue: [2, 2],
       upColor: '#26A69A',
       downColor: '#EF5350',
       noChangeColor: '#888888'
}, 'candle_pane', () => {})

getIndicatorByPaneId(paneId, name) ​

(paneId?: string, name?: string) => object

Obtain technical indicator information according to the window id.

  • paneId window id, that is, the window ID returned when calling the createIndicator method, can be defaulted, and all will be returned by default.
  • name technical indicator name

Special id

'candle_pane', the window id of the main picture.

removeIndicator(paneId, name) ​

(paneId: string, name?: string) => object

Remove technical indicators.

  • paneId window id, that is, the window ID returned when calling the createIndicator method
  • name technical indicator name, if default, will remove all

Special id

'candle_pane', the window id of the main picture.

createOverlay(value, paneId) ​

  value: string | {
    name: string
    id?: string
    groupId?: string
    lock?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number
    needDefaultPointFigure?: boolean
    needDefaultXAxisFigure?: boolean
    needDefaultYAxisFigure?: boolean
    mode?: 'normal' | 'weak_magnet' | 'strong_magnet'
    modeSensitivity?: number
    points?: Array<{
      timestamp?: number
      dataIndex?: number
      value?: number
    extendData?: any
    styles?: object
    onDrawStart?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDrawing?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDrawEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
    onClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDoubleClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onRightClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoveStart?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoving?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoveEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
    onMouseEnter?: (event: object) => boolean
    onMouseLeave?: (event: object) => boolean
    onRemoved?: (event: object) => boolean
    onSelected?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDeselected?: (event: object) => boolean
  } | Array<string | {
    name: string
    id?: string
    groupId?: string
    lock?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number
    needDefaultPointFigure?: boolean
    needDefaultXAxisFigure?: boolean
    needDefaultYAxisFigure?: boolean
    mode?: 'normal' | 'weak_magnet' | 'strong_magnet'
    modeSensitivity?: number
    points?: Array<{
      timestamp?: number
      dataIndex?: number
      value?: number
    extendData?: any
    styles?: object
    onDrawStart?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDrawing?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDrawEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
    onClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDoubleClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onRightClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoveStart?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoving?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoveEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
    onMouseEnter?: (event: object) => boolean
    onMouseLeave?: (event: object) => boolean
    onRemoved?: (event: object) => boolean
    onSelected?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDeselected?: (event: object) => boolean
  paneId?: string
) => string | null

Creates an overlay, returning an identifier of type String.

  • value Overlay name or object, when it is an object, the parameters are consistent with overrideOverlay
  • paneId window id, can be default

Special id

'candle_pane', the window id of the main picture.


   name: 'segment',
   id: 'segment_1',
   groupId: 'segment',
   points: [
     { timestamp: 1614171282000, value: 18987 },
     { timestamp: 1614171202000, value: 16098 },
   styles: {
     line: {
       style: 'solid',
       dashedValue: [2, 2],
       color: '#f00',
       size: 2
   lock: false,
   visible: true,
   zLevel: 0,
   mode: 'weak_magnet',
   modeSensitivity: 8,
   extendData: 'xxxxxxxx',
   needDefaultPointFigure: false,
   needDefaultXAxisFigure: false,
   needDefaultYAxisFigure: false,
   onDrawStart: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDrawing: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDrawEnd: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onClick: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDoubleClick: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onRightClick: function (event) {
     console. log(event)
     return false
   onMouseEnter: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onMouseLeave: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onPressedMoveStart: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onPressedMoving: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onPressedMoveEnd: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onRemoved: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onSelected: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDeselected: function (event) { console. log(event) }

getOverlayById(id) ​

(id: string) => object

Get overlay information by id.

  • id calls the createOverlay method to return the ID

overrideOverlay(override) ​

  override: {
    name: string
    id?: string
    groupId?: string
    lock?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number
    needDefaultPointFigure?: boolean
    needDefaultXAxisFigure?: boolean
    needDefaultYAxisFigure?: boolean
    mode?: 'normal' | 'weak_magnet' | 'strong_magnet'
    modeSensitivity?: number
    points?: Array<{
      timestamp?: number
      dataIndex?: number
      value?: number
    extendData?: any
    styles?: object
    onDrawStart?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDrawing?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDrawEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
    onClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDoubleClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onRightClick?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoveStart?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoving?: (event: object) => boolean
    onPressedMoveEnd?: (event: object) => boolean
    onMouseEnter?: (event: object) => boolean
    onMouseLeave?: (event: object) => boolean
    onRemoved?: (event: object) => boolean
    onSelected?: (event: object) => boolean
    onDeselected?: (event: object) => boolean
) => string | null

Overlays that have been drawn.

  • override parameters that need to be overridden
    • name overlay name, unique identifier for creation
    • id Overlay identification, if the id exists, it will be based on the id to overwrite
    • groupId Group id
    • lock is locked to prevent dragging
    • visible visible or not
    • zLevel Draw level
    • needDefaultPointFigure needs a default point figure
    • needDefaultXAxisFigure needs the default x-axis figure
    • needDefaultYAxisFigure needs the default y-axis figure
    • mode mode, options are 'normal', 'weak_magnet' and 'strong_magnet'
    • modeSensitivity mode sensitivity, only valid when mode is weak_magnet ^9.5.0
    • points point information
    • extendData extended data
    • styles styles
    • onDrawStart start drawing event
    • onDrawing drawing event
    • onDrawEnd draw end event
    • onClick click event
    • onDoubleClick double click event ^9.5.0
    • onRightClick right click event
    • onPressedMoveStart press start move event
    • onPressedMoving Press and move event
    • onPressedMoveEnd Press and move end event
    • onMouseEnter mouse enter event
    • onMouseLeave mouse out event
    • onRemoved delete event
    • onSelected selected event
    • onDeselected deselected event


   name: 'segment',
   id: 'segment_1',
   groupId: 'segment',
   points: [
     { timestamp: 1614171282000, value: 18987 },
     { timestamp: 1614171202000, value: 16098 },
   styles: {
     line: {
       style: 'solid',
       dashedValue: [2, 2],
       color: '#f00',
       size: 2
   lock: false,
   visible: true,
   zLevel: 0,
   mode: 'weak_magnet',
   modeSensitivity: 8
   extendData: 'xxxxxxxx',
   needDefaultPointFigure: false,
   needDefaultXAxisFigure: false,
   needDefaultYAxisFigure: false,
   onDrawStart: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDrawing: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDrawEnd: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onClick: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDoubleClick: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onRightClick: function (event) {
     console. log(event)
     return false
   onMouseEnter: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onMouseLeave: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onPressedMoveStart: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onPressedMoving: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onPressedMoveEnd: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onRemoved: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onSelected: function (event) { console. log(event) },
   onDeselected: function (event) { console. log(event) }

removeOverlay(remove) ​

  remove: string | {
    id?: string
    groupId?: string
    name?: string
) => void

Remove graphics.

  • id The ID returned by calling the createOverlay method.
  • groupId Group id
  • name Overlay name

scrollByDistance(distance, animationDuration) ​

(distance: number, animationDuration?: number) => void

Scroll a certain distance.

  • distance distance
  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

scrollToRealTime(animationDuration) ​

(distance: number, animationDuration?: number) => void

Scroll to original position.

  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

scrollToDataIndex(dataIndex, animationDuration) ​

(dataIndex: number, animationDuration?: number) => void

Scroll to the specified location.

  • dataIndex the index of the data
  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

scrollToTimestamp(timestamp, animationDuration) ​

(timestamp: number, animationDuration?: number) => void

Scroll to the specified timestamp.

  • timestamp timestamp
  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

zoomAtCoordinate(scale, coordinate, animationDuration) ​

  scale: number,
  coordinate?: {
    x: number
    y: number
  animationDuration?: number
) => void

Scale at a certain coordinate point.

  • scale scaling factor
  • coordinate coordinate point, can be defaulted, the default is to zoom in the middle of the chart
  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

zoomAtDataIndex(scale, dataIndex, animationDuration) ​

(scale: number, dataIndex: number, animationDuration?: number) => void

Scale at a certain position.

  • scale scaling factor
  • dataIndex the index of the data
  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

zoomAtTimestamp(scale, timestamp, animationDuration) ​

(scale: number, timestamp: number, animationDuration?: number) => void

Scale on the specified timestamp.

  • scale scaling factor
  • timestamp timestamp
  • animationDuration animation time, can be default, default is no animation

setPaneOptions(options) ​

  options: {
    id: string
    height?: number
    minHeight?: number
    dragEnabled?: boolean
    gap?: {
      top?: number
      bottom?: number
    axisOptions?: {
      name?: string
      scrollZoomEnabled?: boolean
) => void

Set window configuration.

  • options window configuration information, can be default
    • id window id
    • height window height, can be default
    • minHeight minimum height of the window, can be defaulted
    • dragEnabled Whether the window can be dragged to adjust the height, it can be defaulted
    • gap margins
      • top top margin, value less than 1 is a percentage
      • bottom bottom margin, value less than 1 is a percentage
    • axisOptions
      • name axis name ^9.8.0
      • scrollZoomEnabled Scroll zoom flag ^9.3.0

Special id

'candle_pane', the window id of the main picture.


  id: 'pane_1',
  height: 100,
  minHeight: 3,
  dragEnabled: true,
  gap: { top: 0.2, bottom: 0.1 },
  axisOptions: { name: 'default', scrollZoomEnabled: true }

executeAction(type, data) ^9.2.0 ​

   type: 'onCrosshairChange',
   data: any => void
) => void

Execute chart action.

  • type only supported 'onCrosshairChange'
  • data data required for execution

subscribeAction(type, callback) ​

   type: 'onDataReady' | 'onZoom' | 'onScroll' | 'onVisibleRangeChange' | 'onCrosshairChange' | 'onCandleBarClick' | 'onTooltipIconClick' | 'onPaneDrag',
   callback: (data?: any) => void
) => void

Subscribe to chart actions.

  • type options are 'onDataReady', 'onZoom', 'onScroll', 'onVisibleRangeChange', 'onCandleBarClick', 'onTooltipIconClick', 'onCrosshairChange' and 'onPaneDrag'
  • callback is a callback method

unsubscribeAction(type, callback) ​

   type: 'onDataReady' | 'onZoom' | 'onScroll' | 'onVisibleRangeChange' | 'onCrosshairChange' | 'onCandleBarClick' | 'onTooltipIconClick' | 'onPaneDrag',
   callback?: (data?: any) => void
) => void

Unsubscribe from chart actions.

  • type options are 'onDataReady', 'onZoom', 'onScroll', 'onVisibleRangeChange', 'onCandleBarClick', 'onTooltipIconClick', 'onCrosshairChange' and 'onPaneDrag'
  • callback is the callback method when subscribing, the default is to cancel all the current types

convertToPixel(value, finder) ​

   value: {
     dataIndex?: number
     timestamp?: number
     value?: number
   } | Array<{
     dataIndex?: number
     timestamp?: number
     value?: number
   finder: {
     paneId?: string,
     absolute?: boolean
) => { x: number?, y?: number } | Array<{ x?: number, y?: number }>

Convert values to coordinates.

  • value The value to be converted, it can be an object or an array
    • dataIndex data index, if dataIndex and timestamp exist at the same time, it will be converted according to the index
    • timestamp timestamp
    • value corresponds to the value of the y-axis
  • finder filter
    • paneId window id
    • absolute is an absolute coordinate, only works on the y axis

convertFromPixel(coordinate, finder) ​

  coordinate: {
    x?: number
    y?: number
  } | Array<{
    x?: number
    y?: number
  finder: {
    paneId?: string
    absolute?: boolean
) => {
    dataIndex?: number
    timestamp?: number
    value?: number
  } | Array<{
    dataIndex?: number
    timestamp?: number
    value?: number

Convert coordinates to values.

  • coordinate needs to be converted, it can be an object or an array
  • finder filter
    • paneId window id
    • absolute is an absolute coordinate, only works on the y axis

getConvertPictureUrl(includeOverlay, type, backgroundColor) ​

(includeOverlay?: boolean, type?: string, backgroundColor?: string) => string

Get the image url after the chart is converted into an image.

  • includeOverlay needs to include the overlay layer, it can be defaulted
  • type The converted image type, one of the three types of 'png', 'jpeg', 'bmp', can be defaulted, the default is 'jpeg'
  • backgroundColor background color, can be defaulted, the default is '#FFFFFF'

resize() ​

() => void

Resizing the chart will always fill the container size.


This method will recalculate the size of each module in the entire chart, frequent calls may affect performance, please call with caution.