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🛠ī¸ From V8 to V9 ​

This document will help you upgrade from kinecharts 8.x to klinecharts 9.x. If you are 7.x or older, please refer to the previous upgrade document to upgrade to 8.x.

Import adjustment ​

klinecharts/index.blank' and klinecharts/index.simple are no longer distinguished. Please use import {...} from klinecharts uniformly.

Design adjustment ​

shape, annotation, tag are merged into overlay. Please refer to overlay for details.

Style configuration adjustment ​

  • The style options of all lines are changed to dashed and dashValue to dashedValue.
  • candle.tooltip.labels and candle.tooltip.values are merged into candle.tooltip.custom.
  • xAxis.height is changed to xAxis.size, xAxis.tickeText.paddingTop is changed to xAxis.tickeText.marinStart, and xAxis.tickeText.paddingBottom is changed to xAxis.tickeText.marginEnd.
  • yAxis.height is changed to yAxis.size, yAxis.tickeText.paddingTop is changed to yAxis.tickeText.marinStart, and yAxis.tickeText.paddingBottom is changed to yAxis.tickeText.marginEnd.
  • is changed to indicator.bars, technicalIndicator.line is changed to indicator.linesīŧŒ is changed to indicator.circles.
  • Delete shape, annotation, tag, please use overlay instead.

API adjustment ​

Chart API ​

  • extension.addTechnicalIndicatorTemplate(template) is changed to registerIndicator(template).
  • Delete extension.addShapeTemplate(template), please use registerOverlay(template) instead.

Instance API ​

  • getDom({paneId, position}) is changed to getDom(paneId, position), and the parameter position option is changed to root, main and yAxis.
  • getWidth() and getHeight() are combined into a method 'getSize(paneId, position).
  • setStyleOptions(styles) is changed to setStyles(styles).
  • getStyleOptions() is changed to getStyles().
  • setOffsetRightSpace(space) is changed to setOffsetRightDistance(distance).
  • createTechnicalIndicator(value, isStack, paneOptions) is changed to createIndicator(value, isStack, paneOptions).
  • overrideTechnicalIndicator(override, paneId) is changed to overrideIndicator(override, paneId).
  • getTechnicalIndicatorByPaneId(paneId, name) is changed to getIndicatorByPaneId(paneId, name).
  • removeTechnicalIndicator(paneId, name) is changed to removeIndicator(paneId, name).
  • subscribeAction(type, callback) and unsubscribeAction(type, callback). The parameter type option is changed to onZoom, onScroll, onCrosshairChange, onVisibleRangeChange and onPaneDrag.
  • convertToPixel(value, finder) and convertFromPixel(coordinate, finder), the parameter finder.absoluteYAxis is changed to finder.absolute.
  • To delete createShape(value, paneId), createAnnotation(annotation, paneId), createTag(tag, paneId), please use createOverlay(value, paneId) instead.
  • To delete removeShape(id), removeAnnotation(paneId, points), removeTag(paneId, tagId), please use removeOverlay(id) instead.
  • To delete setShapeOptions(options), use overrideOverlay(override) instead.
  • To delete createHtml(html, paneId), removeHtml(paneId, htmlId), please obtain the corresponding dom through getDom(paneId, position).
  • To delete getTechnicalIndicatorByPaneId(paneId, name).

Shape help API ​

  • All APIs are migrated to 'klinecharts.utils'.

Customized technical indicator adjustment ​

  • Attribute plots is changed to figures, sub item methods color, isStroke, isDashed are merged into styles.
  • Change the method 'regeneratePlots(params) to regenerateFigures(params).
  • The method calcTechnicalIndicator(kLineDataList, options) is changed to calc(kLineDataList, indicator).
  • The method createTooltipDataSource({ dataSource, viewport, crosshair, technicalIndicator, xAxis, yAxis, defaultStyles }) is changed to createTooltipDataSource({ kLineDataList, indicator, visibleRange, bounding, crosshair, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis }). The return value is determined by [{ title: 'xxx', value: 'xxx', color: 'xxx' } ] Change to { name: 'xxx', calcParamsText: 'xxx', values: [{ title: 'xxx', value: 'xxx', color: 'xxx' }, ...] }.
  • The method render({ctx, dataSource, viewport, styles, xAxis, yAxis}) is changed to draw({ ctx, kLineDataList, indicator, visibleRange, bounding, barSpace, defaultStyles, xAxis, yAxis }).
  • Delete the attribute shouldCheckParamCount.