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createIndicator(indicator, isStack?, paneOptions?) ​

createIndicator create an indicator.

Reference ​

  indicator: string | {
    name: string
    shortName?: string
    precision?: number
    calcParams?: unknown[]
    shouldOhlc?: boolean
    shouldFormatBigNumber?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number
    extendData?: unknown
    series?: 'normal' | 'price' | 'volume',
    figures?: Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      attrs?: (params: object) => object
      styles?: (params: object) => object
    minValue?: number
    maxValue?: number
    styles?: Partial<IndicatorStyle>
    shouldUpdate?: (prev: Indicator, current: Indicator) => (boolean | { calc: boolean, draw: boolean })
    calc?: (kLineDataList: KLineData[], indicator: Indicator) => unknown[] | Promise<unknown[]>
    regenerateFigures?: (calcParams: unknown[]) => Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      attrs?: (params: object) => object
      styles?: (params: object) => object
    createTooltipDataSource?: (params: object) => ({
      name?: string
      calcParamsText?: string
      icons?: Array<{
        id?: string
        position?: 'left' | 'middle' | 'right'
        color?: string
        activeColor?: string
        size?: number
        fontFamily?: string
        icon?: string
        backgroundColor?: string
        activeBackgroundColor?: string
      legends?: Array<{
        title: string |
            text: string
            color: string
        value: string |
            text: string
            color: string
    draw?: (params: object) => boolean
    onDataStateChange?: (params: object) => void
  isStack?: boolean,
  paneOptions: {
    id?: string
    height?: number
    minHeight?: number
    dragEnabled?: boolean
    order?: number
    state?: 'normal' | 'maximize' | 'minimize'
    axis?: {
      name: string
      reverse?: boolean
      inside?: boolean
      position?: 'left' | 'right'
      scrollZoomEnabled?: boolean
      gap?: {
        top?: number
        bottom?: number
      createRange?: (params: object) => ({
        from: number
        to: number
        range: number
        realFrom: number
        realTo: number
        realRange: number
        displayFrom: number
        displayTo: number
        displayRange: number
      createTicks?: (params: object) => Array<{
        coord: number
        value: number | string
        text: string
) => string | null

Parameters ​

  • indicator Indicator configuration can be an indicator name or an object. The object parameters are as follows.
    • name Name.
    • shortName A short name, used for prompt display.
    • precision Precision.
    • calcParams Calculate the parameters.
    • shouldOhlc Whether to show the ohlc bar.
    • shouldFormatBigNumber Whether big numbers need to be formatted and displayed.
    • visible Whether it is visible.
    • zLevel Hierarchy only works between indicators.
    • extendData Custom the extended data.
    • series Series, supports normal , price and volume , when price and precision is not set, the precision will follow the price precision, when volume and precision is not set, the precision will follow the volume precision.
    • figures Figure configuration, an array of items containing object configuration.
      • key The identifier of the data value, corresponding to the key of the data sub-item returned by calc.
      • type The type of figure that supports the type returned by klinecharts.getSupportedFigures .
      • baseValue The basic control value, currently only works when type is rect and bar . When this value is valid, the graphics will be drawn up and down based on this value.
      • attrs The property value is a method, and the return value is the required property of the object obtained by klinecharts.getFigureClass .
      • styles Style is a method that returns the style required by the object obtained by klinecharts.getFigureClass .
    • minValue Specify a minimum value.
    • maxValue Specifies the maximum value.
    • styles Style configuration, the type is the same as indicator in the general style Styles.
    • shouldUpdate Control whether updates are needed.
    • calc Calculation method.
    • regenerateFigures Regenerates the basic graphics configuration. This is triggered when calcParams changes. The return value type is the same as figures .
    • createTooltipDataSource Create custom prompts.
    • draw Custom drawing method, if the return value is true, it will override the default drawing.
    • onDataStateChange Data change callback notification.
  • isStack Whether to stack.
  • paneOptions Pane configuration.
    • id Pane id.
    • height Height.
    • minHeight Min height.
    • dragEnabled Whether the height can be adjusted by dragging.
    • order Order.
    • state State, supports normal , maximize and minimize .
    • axis Axis configuration.
      • name The name of the axis.
      • reverse Whether to reverse.
      • inside Whether it is inside.
      • position Position, supports left and right.
      • scrollZoomEnabled Whether to allow scrolling and zooming.
      • gap Top and bottom margin configuration.
        • top Top margin.
        • bottom Bottom margin.
      • createRange Create an axis value range callback method.
      • createTicks Create ticks information callback method.

Returns ​

createIndicator returns pane id string or null .

Usage ​

Basic usage ​

Custom indicator ​

Indicator stack ​

Setting indicator attrs ​

Setting pane basic options ​

Setting pane axis ​