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unsubscribeAction(type, cb?) ​

unsubscribeAction Unsubscribe from chart actions.

Reference ​

  type: 'onZoom' |
    'onScroll' |
    'onVisibleRangeChange' |
    'onTooltipIconClick' |
    'onCrosshairChange' |
    'onCandleBarClick' |
  cb: (data: unknown) => void
) => void

Parameters ​

  • type Type, supports onZoom, onScroll, onVisibleRangeChange, onTooltipIconClick, onCrosshairChange, onCandleBarClick and onPaneDrag .
  • cb The callback method when subscribing. By default, all subscriptions of the current type are canceled.

Returns ​

unsubscribeAction returns undefined .

Usage ​

Basic usage ​