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overrideIndicator(indicator) ​

overrideIndicator override indicator attrs.

Reference ​

  indicator: {
    id?: string
    paneId?: string
    name?: string
    shortName?: string
    precision?: number
    calcParams?: unknown[]
    shouldOhlc?: boolean
    shouldFormatBigNumber?: boolean
    visible?: boolean
    zLevel?: number
    extendData?: unknown
    series?: 'normal' | 'price' | 'volume',
    figures?: Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      attrs?: (params: object) => object
      styles?: (params: object) => object
    minValue?: number
    maxValue?: number
    styles?: Partial<IndicatorStyle>
    shouldUpdate?: (prev: Indicator, current: Indicator) => (boolean | { calc: boolean, draw: boolean })
    calc?: (kLineDataList: KLineData[], indicator: Indicator) => unknown[] | Promise<unknown[]>
    regenerateFigures?: (calcParams: unknown[]) => Array<{
      key: string
      title?: string
      type?: string
      baseValue?: number
      attrs?: (params: object) => object
      styles?: (params: object) => object
    createTooltipDataSource?: (params: object) => ({
      name?: string
      calcParamsText?: string
      icons?: Array<{
        id?: string
        position?: 'left' | 'middle' | 'right'
        color?: string
        activeColor?: string
        size?: number
        fontFamily?: string
        icon?: string
        backgroundColor?: string
        activeBackgroundColor?: string
      legends?: Array<{
        title: string |
            text: string
            color: string
        value: string |
            text: string
            color: string
    draw?: (params: object) => boolean
    onDataStateChange?: (params: object) => void
) => void

Parameters ​

  • indicator Indicator configuration.
    • id ID.
    • paneId Pane id.
    • name Name.
    • shortName A short name, used for prompt display.
    • precision Precision.
    • calcParams Calculate the parameters.
    • shouldOhlc Whether to show the ohlc bar.
    • shouldFormatBigNumber Whether big numbers need to be formatted and displayed.
    • visible Whether it is visible.
    • zLevel Hierarchy only works between indicators.
    • extendData Custom the extended data.
    • series Series, supports normal , price and volume , when price and precision is not set, the precision will follow the price precision, when volume and precision is not set, the precision will follow the volume precision.
    • figures Figure configuration, an array of items containing object configuration.
      • key The identifier of the data value, corresponding to the key of the data sub-item returned by calc.
      • type The type of figure that supports the type returned by klinecharts.getSupportedFigures .
      • baseValue The basic control value, currently only works when type is rect and bar . When this value is valid, the graphics will be drawn up and down based on this value.
      • attrs The property value is a method, and the return value is the required property of the object obtained by klinecharts.getFigureClass .
      • styles Style is a method that returns the style required by the object obtained by klinecharts.getFigureClass .
    • minValue Specify a minimum value.
    • maxValue Specifies the maximum value.
    • styles Style configuration, the type is the same as indicator in the general style Styles.
    • shouldUpdate Control whether updates are needed.
    • calc Calculation method.
    • regenerateFigures Regenerates the basic graphics configuration. This is triggered when calcParams changes. The return value type is the same as figures .
    • createTooltipDataSource Create custom prompts.
    • draw Custom drawing method, if the return value is true, it will override the default drawing.
    • onDataStateChange Data change callback notification.


Among them, id, paneId and name are indexes. If the input parameters contain these three parameters, the indicators that meet the conditions will be searched for overwriting based on these three parameters.

Returns ​

overrideIndicator returns undefined .

Usage ​

Basic usage ​

Overrides indicator properties on the specified pane ​